We can provide the Nicomac Europe unique Blow MasterTM, a new concept design in perforated coating pans.

Coating Pan Guns

It has a shorter processing time meaning more efficient use of utilities, with a higher yield (less than 2% of product loss). Its external nozzles and internal sprayballs produce efficient cleaning, whilst the ‘3D shark fin baffles’ give gentle product handling combined with the highest mixing efficiency.

Blow Master™ (it. patent pending device N° MI 2009A001281) is able to change completely the concept of blowing inlet air in the perforated drum of a coating pan. Blow Master™ air diffuser is able to force 100% of the tightly controlled heating inlet air through the product bed itself just after the spraying area. Air dispersion through the perforations or the coating pan drum not covered by the tablets, typical of conventional perforated coaters, is completely eliminated.


  • Short process time
  • Reduction of a minimum of 50% the utilities consumption compared with conventional perforated coating pans
  • High yield, less than 2% of product loss


  • Efficient cleaning – a combination of external nozzles and internal sprayballs guarantees an efficient cleaning system of the coating pan
  • Perfect mixing – shark fin baffles combine the highest mixing efficiency with very gentle product handling
  • Versatility – ability to work at 15% of the maximum batch capacity in the same drum without any modification
  • AC Frequency control for differential pressure control and drum speed