Swish Tech Clean Room Solutions in partnership with Nicomac Europe can supply a wide range of high quality granulation equipment.

We can supply all equipment required in a solid dosage form department in an integrated line. Our line includes, high shear mixers, granulators, fluid bed dryers, powder mixing equipment, planetary mixers, industrial blenders, IBC bin tumblers, bicone - V blenders, ribbon blenders, IBC intermediate bulk containers with CIP cleaning, pharmaceutical sieves, pharmaceutical and food mills for particle size reduction, clean in place and pneumatic conveying systems.

Nicomix high shear mixers – rapid mixer and Nicobed fluidised bed dryers – are designed in accordance to cGMP. They incorporate high technology and special devices that guarantee efficient process delivering perfect uniform granule. A modern handling is designed with IBC intermediate bulk containers and industrial mixers NicoMix as IBC bin blender – tumbler. Nicomac can also supply modern, compact efficient clean in place equipment with pharmaceutical cleaning validation and tablet press.